Thursday, April 19, 2007

Other Milestone Thingy

Lennox turned two on Easter Monday. He got lots of cool presents that Michael will play with more than he will, like a race track thingy and a train set. Plus a bike and helmet. He screams and runs away from the helmet every time he sees it. Good buy!! Kids are soooo weird. They never react the way you think they will. We also bought him a stand-up blackboard and chalk. The first thing he did was eat a piece of chalk and then break the remaining pieces in half and grind them into the floor. I should stop buying presents that say "3 years and above" on them.

Milestone Thingys

Michael and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary at the end of March. So much has happened since then. We have installed a new wardrobe, got a goat, bought a new car. Oh yeah and had TWO CHILDREN. I would never have thought that would happen. The pregnancies should have been a clue, I know. This photo was taken in the car on the dashboard after having a very rushed dinner at The Stirling Hotel, after going into town, not getting in anywhere coz it was the fringe and then having a big fight coz I didn't feel like eating pretty much everything Michael suggested. This is what averaging 4 hours sleep a night for a month will do to you. It turns you into crazy people! Anyway we ended up having a good night in the end, hence the smiles.