Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lauren At 12 Weeks

I am sooooo fat already. Way fatter than with Lennox. I just hope it's the baby and not just fat.....Hang on, make that the other way round. I have already had comments of carrying twins. But we have confirmed with a scan that there's only one baby in there. So my sister concluded that I must be having some sort of giant troll baby. Yay! I thought after Lennox I deserved a 5 pound baby. Lennox was nearly 9 pounds at birth! If this one is bigger than Lennox, I think I might die or break Michael's arm. One or the other, I'll take suggestions.

At The Carwash

I just thought this was funny. Lennox was absolutely terrified when we took the car through the carwash the other day. As you can see.