Monday, February 26, 2007

Rosalie Jeanne Taylor Born 23rd Febuary 2007

After a labour lasting 4 days! Rosalie finally arrived at 5:47pm on Friday (2 weeks early). She weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces, or 3.4kg which is about 500gms less than Lennox. We have just come home from hospital and are trying to settle into some kind of routine. Lennox has been great and Rosalie is doing the typical thing of sleeping all day and staying awake all night, yay! We are really happy to have visitors if you want, as long as you hold Rosalie while we run around madly trying to do things while we have our hands free!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lauren At 37 Weeks

This will be the last blog before baby.

There is not much to say at this point except that I am totally over it. I want this baby out. My obstetrician said that I probably won't last out the week. So here's hoping! Also, thankfully this baby is smaller than Lennox was. Stay tuned for an announcement. We will text everyone when we know something.